Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Random Discovery Model Ideas

Engineering: How can you take an aerial picture of the entire school?

Photo Journalism: Take ten photographs of something in your neighborhood that make you feel good/scared/bad.

Politics: Convince a celebrity they should visit our school.

Food Service: Describe your favorite meal without using one of the five senses.

Horticulture: Plan a butterfly garden.

Historian: Collect first hand accounts and second hand accounts of an event in your community.  Use both kinds of research to form your own opinion of the event.

Advertising: Create three ads for a local business.  Provide an explanation of why your ad will be useful.

Accounting/Management: Create a spreadsheet for the cafeteria to help them keep track of which lunches are most popular.

Actuary:  Keep a record of days of school versus type of injury for the class.  Chart the statistics of getting hurt by time of day, day of the week, and week of the month/year.

Investigator: Compare two fingerprints.  Find three things the same and three things different about the two prints.

Designer: Design a more welcoming environment for the front of our school.  Make 5 changes.

Ecologist:  Create a diagram of our school grounds and the plants that surround it.  Name two native species and two non native species.

Cost Estimator:  Estimate the steps and the cost of doing something with the old, empty KFC building.

Urban Planner:  Pick two cities in the United States and compare them.  What makes each city great to live in?  What makes it difficult to live in?

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