Friday, February 21, 2014

Teaching DNA 5th-8th

Check out my pictures of our lesson today.  We used Twizzlers, toothpicks, and gummy bears to make a model of Deoxyribonucleic Acid, or DNA. We discussed that our DNA is like a secret code or instructions on how to make our bodies.  We stuck two gummy bears on each toothpick.  These are the base pairs.  Then, we stuck each side of the toothpicks into the Twizzlers, that we had pulled in half (save some money  and it still works).  Last, twist the ladder of candy to create the famous double-helix form.

We also watched the DNA Brainpop video and wrote three facts.  Our next period was lunch.  So, it was a perfect experiment to send out to eat at lunchtime.  I hope they kept talking about the lesson.

One additional trick I used was to give everyone at least one or two colored toothpicks.  This, I explained, was a mutation.  Some mutations are bad and the organism can't survive.  However, some mutations are good and make that organism stronger than others.  We talked briefly about X-men and Spiderman, in relation to mutant DNA.

Another trick is to use paper plates to keep everything organized.  They are easy to write on.  We put our names and DNA on our plates, but students can easily write labels or facts on the plate for this lesson.

It was an enjoyable for everyone.  It went nicely with the parts of the cell and body systems lessons of the week.

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