Saturday, July 28, 2012

What is a teachmeme?

Teachmeme!  It's when you did something once and it's so powerful, you don't need to teach it again.

meme is an idea or image that acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices.
Teachmemes? I feel they are seldom passed into a larger "teaching culture" One school can be like a bubble.  Maybe they haven't even made it out of your room, but they are great!  It could be images, sayings, songs, anything at all, that leads to learning.  Like BAM, the students get it instantly.  Some small trick that captures a concept in an instant.

Why not document these gems and share with everyone?  

Here's my first example.  I did this dance and my second graders will NEVER forget what a parallel line is ever again.

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