Sunday, September 23, 2012

War... What is it good for? Absolutely EVERYTHING!

I have planned to play the game war this week using cards with decimals to the thousandths place.  This link I found actually has to do with Kagan teaching techniques, which is a cooperative learning initiative.  I first learned of Kagan from a friend who teaches in Texas!  It's worth looking into for PD

I've also played fractions war, whole number war, ten frames war, and there are so many others!

The game of War could probably be applied to Science animal classification, positions in US government, and anything else needing comparison.  Keep me updated on any new forms of War you play in your classroom! @nhts5

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Decimals Video

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Decimals 4-5

A visual idea for comparing, representing, and discussing decimals.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quiet Signals for 2 and 5

So, my last minute practice of how the day would go was slightly incomplete.  How am I going to get them quiet?

2nd Grade
1- Shh shh sh sh shh.  Shush in a pattern that children repeat.
2- Freeze
3- Bell/chime
4-Youtube wierd sounds and play them

5th Grade
1- Class...Yes.   Classity class class... yessity yes yes
2- Youtube wierd sounds and play them
3-  Online timers
4- Hand up, put down fingers slowly.  Children get each other to be quiet and before fingers run out.

Helpful Links:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cell Website 4+

Here's great websites to help teach about cells.

Yay interactive cell models!

Great Minds...

Here's another site with the same idea.

I guess my blog is mainly for me.  Maybe I can adjust the format in the future.  Hmmm.